A dog requires care, attention and a commitment to look after during his life that could be 10-15 years or more. The effort includes not only routine feeding, care and time spent with the dog, but also the provision of veterinary treatment, if the dog becomes ill. This can be expensive and there are a number of insurance companies that offer insurance cover for dogs to cover the veterinary expenses in the event of accident or illness.

A dog must be vaccinated at 8-10 weeks and then every year against Canine Distemper, Canine viral Canine Leptospirosis, Canine Parvovirus and in some countries, rabies. Moreover dogs need worming every 6 months and so there are regular medical costs associated with owning a dog.
There are various items of equipment that will be needed for the dog, as well as many optional items that may be taken into account. It is best to buy basic equipment as feed bowls, water bowls, collar, dog food, dog beds and an appropriate dog toys before getting a dog, so that they are prepared for the arrival of a dog.

A dog requires regular exercise to keep fit and prevent excess weight May cause health problems. For most dogs and exercise their game is a goal in life and so they take as much as you can give. However, it is important not to exercise too puppies, especially larger breeds, when bones and muscles are still developing.
A dog will also enjoy playing, whether with its owner or on its own initiative and whether the toys play an important role in a lifetime dog. There are several dog toys for pets at the disposal of stores and toys designed for chewing can be valuable to hijack a puppy chewing trends away from furniture. These toys also help to maintain a dog teeth clean and are therefore useful life. Most dogs love bullets but be sure to get the right size ball for your dog - too small balloon could be swallowed and get stuck in the throat of a dog.
I do not have a pet dog of my own but I wish I could have one. Anyway, love your blog for detailed tips you have shared. Keep it up. I'll visit you again.
1. Love your site!!! There are a few things that could be changed. The Great Dane picture looks a little stretched. Hard on the eyes. The labels area should have all caps for the first word. I would suggest using different colors for each section to differentiate between each other. Besides that, everything looks good. Clicking on each section moves smoothly.
2. Overall, I like it. -- cute puppy banner.
Your sidebar is entitled "Labels" -- That does not really make sense. My club's website has that feature but we just list the titles of the sections "Home, Education / Cats, Education / Dogs, F.A.Q.s, Events, About Us, Links, etc. Also get the Capitalization correct -- some sections the words don't start with a Cap.letter - sorry I'm picky!! :)
I'd say that house-breaking questions are the #1 topic on Answers -- so get that section really tight. Maybe even break it into two sections (1 for puppies and 1 for adult dogs who need re-training.) Also could you come up with an actual daily schedule? I saw one once on the Web and used it one of my Yahoo answers but forgot to bookmark the page. Dumb, dumb -- I so want to add that site to every Answer about potty=training puppies.
Maybe add a Gallery of pictures / your dogs, clients, bloggers' doggers, etc.
Look nice -- Good Luck with it!!.
Hair Weaving
I think it is a great blog. You can find stuff easily.
- Carly
It seems like a nice blog, but when people buy a dog they will probably already know most of that stuff. Try finding out stuff that people don't know. But it is really good info for someone that is considering a dog. Out of five stars I give it a three star. Write about the effect that the breed has on the care needed. Such as if you get a dog that isn't as easily trained and so on.
Hope I helped!
Honestly, it's incredibly hard to read. Is english your second language? I would have someone proofread it for you first before you post it. Some of your sentences are structured incorrectly and some of them don't make sense. It seems like you have some good information and ideas though. Good for you for trying to help educate people on how to care for their dogs!
Not enough information per section, you could have expanded much more.
The information was stuff that you could find on Google, probably more information too.
its really good u can find evrything soo easily and the pictures of the dogs r soo cute :D
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