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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Basic Cat Training - How Your Cat or Kitten Learns

Train your cat before mealtimes, as a food reward won't be so enticing on a full stomach. At the same time, don't 'starve' cats to make them eager to learn; a hungry cat will quickly become an annoyed one.

When you start training, eliminate any distracting noise from the TV or stereo as it will make the process almost impossible.

Keep sessions short, ending them before your cat gets bored or tired. 15 minutes is ideal and keeps your 'student' fresh.

Don't vary the training sessions - make sure the trainer, commands, signals and rewards are always the same.

Try to spend a minimum of 10-15 minutes every day and stick with it. Training your cat once a month won't get the results you want. The key to cat training is to ensure that whatever you want your cat to do is very rewarding and enjoyable. Whatever you do not want your cat to indulge in must never be rewarding or fun, in fact, it should be unpleasant.

When training your cat to sit, stay and heel is your goal, maybe you should get a dog. When training your cat to perch sent to your toilet to do his business is your goal, perhaps this article is not for you either. This article is for all of us would like the training of our cats to use the litter box instead of our Comforter, cabinet or shoes.

This is for owner, would like the training of their cat with a scratching instead of stereo speakers. If you as I admire your cat as a cat, and you want him to behave as nothing more than a cat, but a well-behaved. Before we start our training cats to do something or stop to do something, we must consider how cats learn.

They do not understand English, they can not read books or attend lectures. You learn through experience. If the experience is good, it will try to repeat. If the experience is unpleasant, they will try to avoid it in the future. They enjoy raking the furniture with their claws, so that they continue to do so. But it is already a shock when they hold their nose in a candle flame so that they do not happen again.

The key to training is to ensure that everything you want your cat to do is extremely rewarding and enjoyable. No matter what you do not want your cat to indulge in must never reward or fun, in fact, it must be unpleasant. Sometimes we inadvertently reward for our cats obnoxious behaviour. A common complaint is that the cat pounces on the owner in five clock early, meowing and generally a storm as a pest. What do the owners do? You get up and feed the cat, play with him or let him outside. Kitty has learned that his behavior is him exactly what he wants.

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